Friday, 21 December 2012

Lyon Competition - Winter Climbing with Andy Turner

I often found myself wondering whether anyone actually wins these prizes climbing companies always seem to be offering, and until this year I was always skeptical. But after Lyon Outdoor paid all my expenses to go on the Petzl Roctrip in Patagonia, this opinion has been changed forever!

You can read all about that here

Anyway, Lyon are currently running another competition with another great prize and since it would be incredibly bad form for me to try to win again, I am urging everyone else to try!

The prize is for the lucky winner and their friend to go climbing and receive top level coaching and instruction with legendary winter climber Andy Turner.

Andy has a very impressive list of hard winter ascents up to Scottish X,9 and first ascents at IX,9 and is also qualified to the highest level in the British scale - MIC, making him an excellent choice to get you climbing harder on axes! 

See his blog here

While on the trip you will both stay in the historical Glenmore Lodge with free bed and board, so you will be able to push hard up the icy gullies knowing a hot meal and comfy bed is waiting for you each evening.

It's really an easy competition to enter - just go to this page and answer four questions which are very easy to find the answer to. It will probably take you five minutes and could end up winning you this awesome prize!

Good luck!

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